Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for SocMon

Effective Date:10/09/2023

Thank you for using SocMon, a social media platform dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience for all users. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to protecting your personal information and maintaining compliance with GDPR and COPPA regulations.

Information We Collect

We respect your privacy and only collect the information necessary to provide you with a smooth and personalized experience on SocMon. We collect the following types of information:

User Account Information: When you create an account on SocMon, we collect your username, but we never collect or store your email address or password.

User-Generated Content: SocMon temporarily stores the content you upload, such as images, posts, and location data, for a period of one week. After this period, all user-generated content is permanently deleted from our servers.

Device Information: We may collect basic device information, including device type, operating system, and app version, for the purpose of optimizing our services and ensuring a seamless user experience.


SocMon may display ads from reputable advertising companies, such as Google, to provide you with relevant and engaging content. These companies may collect basic information about your device and user behavior through their own services to deliver dynamically targeted ads (DPA). Please note that these activities are managed entirely by the ad companies, and SocMon does not access or use this information for any other purpose.

Data Collection Practices

SocMon is committed to respecting your privacy. We do not employ algorithms to collect user data or manipulate content to increase app usage. Our focus is on providing a secure and enjoyable social media experience without compromising your personal information.

Age Restrictions

To comply with child protection laws around the world, SocMon strictly prohibits users under the age of 18 from joining the platform. We believe that social media exposure at an early age can have adverse effects, and we are dedicated to creating a safe environment for users of all ages.

Data Security

SocMon takes data security seriously. We use standard encryption protocols to protect all data transmitted between our services and your device. This ensures that your information remains confidential and secure.

GDPR and COPPA Compliance

SocMon is committed to full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We respect your rights under these regulations, and our data practices are designed to safeguard your privacy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy or this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Changes to this Privacy Policy

SocMon may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for legal reasons. We will notify you of any significant changes through the app or via email.

By using SocMon, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Thank you for choosing SocMon for your social media needs.

Rights to Information Generated:

SocMon deletes all information within a week from our collection so we do NOT Provide user a way to download their information as it will be processed to data collection for deletion. We run on very limited space to store user’s information to run SocMon app services. We truly don’t have the want or need to store information for over a week like other social media. Cause we aren’t big enough to conduct profitable data sales thus we don’t conduct or care for such data generated by user in any way.

End of Privacy Policy

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